Guiding Principles
Live. Work. Play.
Develop the District as a Complete “Live, Work and Play” Neighborhood through: more varied housing types and prices, more job creating businesses, more neighborhood stores and restaurants, and more entertainment options.
Encourage Walkability
Promote Walkability Within the District through: safe and comfortable sidewalks, interesting and attractive street-level experiences, pedestrian endpoints and destinations, and better wayfinding.
Public Safety
Enhance Public Safety and Security in the District through: enforcement of laws, more positive activity in the public realm, enhanced police presence, and better coordination between the neighborhood, law enforcement, and social service agencies.
Promote Connectivity
Promote Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity Between the District, Downtown, the Bayfront and Adjacent Neighborhoods through new, well designed, high quality and safe means of connectivity.
Respect History
Respect and Celebrate the District’s Cultural and Built History through identification, understanding and education, recognition, and preservation of these resources.
Enhance Nature
Enhance the Presence of Nature in the District through: the addition of neighborhood and pocket parks, and enhanced landscaping in the streets and sidewalks.
Celebrate Diversity
Recognize and Celebrate the District’s Distinctiveness and Authenticity through actions and programs that: attract unique local businesses, facilitate the preservation and growth of the artistic community, integrate progressive public art into the District, promote more expressive architecture, and celebrate the District’s special attributes.
Support Local Businesses
Provide Increased Support for the District’s Local Businesses through: additional public parking, developing and implementing a District identity program, establishing unique events and festivals, and enhancing public safety.
Balance Social Service Needs
Balance Regional Social Service Needs with the District’s Disproportionate Share of Social Service Providers through: better communication with existing social service organizations, careful consideration of the impacts of any proposed expansions or new facilities, and encouraging more broadly-based, regional solutions to regional challenges.